(Abata Treehouse) Singapore First Arabic Bilingual Preschool
Published: Sun, 10/03/21
What We Do At Abata TreeHouse? Our newly-established Abata TreeHouse kindergarten leverages on a strong foundation and e perience of eight years in…
IslamicEvents SG - Islamic Events, Classes, Courses, Musollahs
Published: Sun, 10/03/21
What We Do At Abata TreeHouse? Our newly-established Abata TreeHouse kindergarten leverages on a strong foundation and e perience of eight years in…
Published: Fri, 10/01/21
Barakah: Charting your Financial Roadmap as a practicing Muslim Starting this Tuesday, 5th October 2021! 8pm - 10:00 pm (Every Tuesday, 4 sessions)…
Published: Thu, 09/30/21
24 SAFAR 1443H / 1 October 2021 Do you know that all of us who used to e ist and those who are still e isting in this world, be it Muslim or Non-…
Published: Thu, 09/30/21
30 September 2021 / 23 Safar 1443H Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O…
Published: Tue, 09/28/21
Barakah: Charting your Financial Roadmap as a practicing Muslim Starting 5th October 2021! 8pm - 10:00 pm (Every Tuesday, 4 sessions) Online via Zoom…
Published: Thu, 09/23/21
17 SAFAR 1443H / 24 September 2021 Keep reading to find out more and remember to continue showing your support to our Infaq Campaigns! For every cent…
Published: Wed, 09/22/21
22 September 2021 / 15 Safar 1443H Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O…
Published: Tue, 09/21/21
Quranic Arabic Module 1 Starting 26th September 2021! 9am - 10:30am (Every Sunday, 12 Sessions) Online via Zoom بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم…
Published: Mon, 09/20/21
Services for the Community Assalamu'alaikum Greetings to you and your family. Hope that everyone is well and safe. MUIS (Islamic Religious Council of…
Published: Sun, 09/19/21
Dont Let Them Suffer in Silence... Palliative Care Workshop For Family Synopsis Do you know what to do when one of your beloved family members is…