Published: Thu, 04/06/23
16 RAMADAN 1444H / 07 April 2023Keep reading to find out more and remember to continue showing your support to our Infaq Campaigns! For every cent…
Published: Thu, 04/06/23
Services for the Community Assalamu'alaikum Did you know that the rewards of performing Umrah in Ramadan is equivalent to performing Hajj? Al-Bukhaari…
Published: Wed, 04/05/23
4 April 2023 / 13 Ramadan 1444H Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi WabarakatuhIn the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O…
Published: Wed, 04/05/23
Last week, we announced that we will be starting this new podcast and we manage to get Ustazah Nur Fatin Afika to be featured in this…
Published: Thu, 03/30/23
09 RAMADAN 1444H / 31 March 2023Keep reading to find out more and remember to continue showing your support to our Infaq Campaigns! For every cent…
Published: Wed, 03/29/23
Synopsis Mari makmurkan Masjid Al-Amin di kejiranan anda dengan mengikuti bacaan Al-Quran beramai-ramai. Marisama-sama kita cuba mengkhatamkan Al-…
Published: Wed, 03/29/23
Ayuh Derma Projek Food Aid Untuk 180 Keluarga Projek Food Aid Perdaus telah menjadi projek tahunan di bulan Ramadhan selama lebih sedekad. Kami…
Published: Wed, 03/29/23
29 March 2023 / 7 Ramadan 1444H Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi WabarakatuhIn the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O…
Published: Mon, 03/27/23
We are starting a new show this Ramadhan but we need your help? This show is all about answering YOUR questions, we would try our best to get our…
Published: Sun, 03/26/23
Assalamu'alaikum,Greetings to you and your family. Hope that everyone is well and safe. Last week our team have submitted the tender to MUIS for the…